Nowadays everybody has to work with spreadsheets and make presentations on one thing or another, especially students. These tasks are not challenging, but they take time and research. I’ve spent hours searching for excel formulas, information for presentations, appropriate pictures and more. But you won’t have to do that as I’m here to show you two AIs that will do all of that for you and save you hours.

Time Saving AIs for Spreadsheets & Presentations
Check out these two time saving AIs and stop spending countless hours searching for formulas and making designs. Improve both the efficiency and quality of your spreadsheets and presentations in no time.
ExcelFormulaBot is an AI that will transform your text instructions into Excel formulas. It is the go-to tool for Excel and Google Sheets. But wait, it gets better, not only does it save you time by transforming text to formulas, but it also explains it and you could get formulas even faster with add-ons. ExcelFormulaBot also includes features such as a spreadsheet maker, which creates spreadsheets based on your prompts and allows you to download them, and that is just one of many features.
DeckRobot – an AI that will design all your PowerPoint slides in seconds. The best part is that you can do so much with just a click – create on-brand slide decks, make all the decks consistent with your brand and add approved icons and pictures to better visualize slides. DeckRobot doesn’t store any of the slides you input. The slides are stored on the client’s server which ensures your privacy.
Both AIs are amazing time savers and offer lots of help with design and excel tasks. ExcelFormulaBot is great even for complex problems which could take you a while to figure out, while DeckRobot creates the design and template for your presentations.